He glanced further down the page and read: “On 3/07/26, Q awoke at 8:33.” And further “… selected The Future of Socialism by Felix Berofsky …” And further: “… bent the corner of page 206 to mark his place and put the book …” All his activities of that morning had already been printed in the report! He began turning the book around in his hands and pulled it away from the shelf. Was this thing wired in some way? Could they print their reports onto these pages in minutes without removing the books from the shelves? Perhaps they had some new process whereby they could imprint specially sensitized pages by electronic signal. Then he remembered that he had just awakened from a nap, and he slammed the volume shut in disgust. Of course: They had entered the room again during his nap. He placed the volume back on the shelf and started for his chair. How could they expect him to be taken in by such blatant trickery? But then a thought occurred to him: He had picked out a volume and page at random. Why had the description of yesterday and this morning been on that particular page? Were all the pages the same? He returned to the shelf and picked up the same volume, this time opening it to page 531. The heading was the same. *****He looked down the page: “Q began to return to his chair but became puzzled as to why the initial description of his activities should have appeared on page 494 of this volume.” ******He threw the book to the floor and grabbed another, Volume LX, opening it to page 103: “… became more confused by the correct sequential description on page 531, Volume LXIV.” “What are you trying to do to me!” he screamed, dropping the second book. Immediately he was ashamed at his lack of self-control. “What an absurd joke,” he said loudly to whatever listening devices there might be.

"Now he noticed what a preposterous number of volumes there were, perhaps two hundred in all, filling not only one bookcase from floor to ceiling but filling parts of others as well. His curiosity piqued, he pulled down Volume LXIV, and opened it at random to page 494."